What an exciting and busy time! Our day to day service of helping local south Houston County residents with emegency financial needs for water and power or medications or a whole myriad of challenges and crises can sometimes be breathtaking - both with the sheer numbers for Smalltown USA and the depth of the issues. But what a privilege it is to serve our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ by serving others.
There are countless opportunities beyond just giving. Obviously finances are a great blessing - but opportunities to make a one-on-one connection with other humnas in need are the greatest blessing for YOU. If not through PVO - find someone today to pour your life into - even if for just a moment. When you do you’ll be acting more like your Jesus than at any other time in your life.
(Changing the focus - we are in the process of setting the daily training schedule for Grace Village, our women’s homeless shelter and life-skills rehabilitation center. We need your experience - we need your compassion - we need you - call us.)