Larry's News
We're in the process of setting up the daily schedule for training at Grace Village. Do you have a skill or experience in an area you think the guests at Grace Village could benefit from? Call me let's find your place to plug-in!
Frank's News
Be Involved


What an exciting and busy time!  Our day to day service of helping local south Houston County residents with emegency financial needs for water and power or medications or a whole myriad of challenges and crises can sometimes be breathtaking - both with the sheer numbers for Smalltown USA and the depth of the issues.  But what a privilege it is to serve our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ by serving others.

There are countless opportunities beyond just giving.  Obviously finances are a great blessing - but opportunities to make a one-on-one connection with other humnas in need are the greatest blessing for YOU.  If not through PVO - find someone today to pour your life into - even if for just a moment. When you do you’ll be acting more like your Jesus than at any other time in your life.

(Changing the focus - we are in the process of setting the daily training schedule for Grace Village, our women’s homeless shelter and life-skills rehabilitation center.  We need your experience - we need your compassion - we need you - call us.)